Tag Validity

Threats to external validity

Threats to external validity-min

External validity is about the generalizability of the results to different populations, settings, periods,  treatment variables, and measurement variables. Then, threats to external validity are the conditions that limit this generalization of the results. Since external validity specifies conditions under…

Threats to internal validity

Threats to internal validity

Threats to internal validity are characteristics of research design that jeopardize our ability to interpret and make appropriate inferences. That is, it is an evaluation of the research design to provide causal inference. But to infer causality we must be…

Measurement model: Understanding the errors

measurement model

A theoretical model, measurement model in research describes and evaluates the quality of measurement to improve its usefulness and accuracy. In quantitative research, we need to measure variables because variables operationalize[1] constructs Measurement is the process of assigning numbers to…